Now that we defined hazing and identified examples of hazing on the definitions page, we encourage all UCI community members to thoughtfully engage in the following ongoing prevention efforts and programs.

Prevention Efforts

Suggestions for Appropriate Member Recruitment & Engagement
Adapted from StopHazing

  1. Foster Unity
    • Community service projects, participate the digital team building scavenger hunt or ARC ropes course hosted by Campus Recreation
  2. Develop Problem Solving Skills
    • Participate in escape rooms activities, participate a Strengths Coaching hosted by Center for Student Leadership
  3. Develop Leadership Skills
    • Create mentorship programs, have members lead activities or meetings
  4. Instill a Sense of Membership
    • Highlight members on social media
  5. Promote Scholarship
    • Set study sessions that are set during appropriate times
  6. Build Awareness of History
    • Connect members with alumni
  7. Aid Career Goals
    • Use campus resources to host sessions about job interviews, resume writing, and networking.

Based on document developed by Allison Swick-Duttine, Coordinator of Greek A>airs & Leadership Development, Plattsburgh State University of New York

Prevention Programs

UCI Anti-Hazing COOL Module

The UCI Anti-Hazing Campus Organization Online Learning (COOL) Module is available for anyone to complete, learn from and share with fellow UCI community members.

UCI celebrates a positive and healthy culture where hazing is unacceptable.